Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[ROM] GingerCruzt (2.3.4) v1.0.0 Revision 7.3 [updated 16-08-11]

GingerCruzt 2.3.4 for X8 by Frogy Furnetal


Mod from Elelinux Hero 2.7 + xGin, Frogys personal ROM

Revision 7.3
- Nightly CM7 Hero 2.3.5 
- Radio (Xmini).
- SemcDeskClock (Mini).
- Lockscreen Signature text (GDX fitur change in /system/bin/build.prop)
- 3MP Camera
- Timescape (Fusion Mini + Arc resize MDPI)
- Launcher Active/Mini
- Taskbar transparant, clock center.
- and more widget Xmini.

- Radio: If you want to change the volume, lock your phone.
- R-7.1 Wifi fix : change in /system/bin/build.prop
- Media Widget cant load shortcut Video

Add new features:
- Rotation Menu : 90/180/270
- Note (ecalir)
- SemcAlarm (eclair)
- Stopwatch
- Arc Launcher (New Port)
- Timescape (Arc new port)
- Keyboard (eclair not tauchpal) 
- Taskbar transparant (suport t-mobile theme chooser)
- Dual Recovery 
- and more

FIXED in revision 5:
- Browser
- Routing audio FMradio
- Notification lights 

FIXED in revision 4:
- Play more games
- ramdisk.tar repack master shpit 
- Menu reboot recovery work
- New Setting CPU (miniCM)
- New Menu enable/disable Overclok and Undervolt (miniCM)
- Button camera fix (Thank to Master shpit)
- Bateray drain (may be)
- Theme Chooser (ehm...v003, I dont have a problem)

* FM Radio background and corner buton.
* SemcHome 4 corner.
* in Elelinux to Hero based on 7.1.0
but I don't know whether this is still based on 7.1.0,
since many files that I replace with racht ROM, and xGin ROM

WORKING: Everything except full camera.

* GSM/SMS/Data(3G, EDGE)
* Wifi
* Fixed reboots bug
* Stock audio Recording
* ADB at boot
* Sensors
* OpenGL/3D
* Audio Jack
* Video decoder
* Video playback support for 3rd party apps
* Vibration
* Bluetooth
* Native App2sd
* xRecovery preinstalled
* Usb mass storage
* Audio Mixer
* Camera (VGA)
* Offline charging
* Fake DT support (Thanks to: doixanh)
* Mddi lag fix (Thanks to: doixanh)
* CM Settings performance menu for setting the Sdcard read cache size
(speed improvements for sdcard)
* CM Settings performance menu for CPU Overclocking
* CM Settings display menu for Ultra brightness.

* SemcHome will not load shortcuts of apps on sd.
* Camera set on VGA for Pictures
* 2D 

ROM: Revision 7.3 Multiupload

How to install:
* Download ROM, install with CWM recovery

ROM will automatically do the full wipe. Please backup your data before installing this ROM.

This rom is ready for ax8mt (MultiTouch for Cypress digitizer) and ax8_smartass (smartass governor for cpufreq): Just push/copy the corresponding module to /system/lib/modules, it will be automatically loaded. (default fake DT modules by dx)

- Master Shpit
- xda development
- Group Facebook X8 Indonesia
- Dev's x8 on xda (Racht, Jerpelea, Doixanh, NobodyAtall)
- Dev's MIUI

Content is quoted from its original post here. I got nothing to do with this ROM. Credits goes to Mr. Frogy Furnetal :)

tags: hvga, 320x480, xperia x8, android, optimus one, p500, xperia x8 games, xperia x8 games apk, xperia x8 apps, xperia x8 apk, gingerbread x8, 2.3.4 for x8, cm7, cyanogenmod 7


  1. Have WiFi Proxy settings in this ROM ?

  2. @Tharindu Rankothge

    sorry mate, I have no info(s) regarding proxy in each ROM.

  3. Ahh....Its Ok man..i alrdy downloaded it n now gonna install..:))
    Lets c...!

  4. Good rom for play games...


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