Saturday, July 23, 2011

Benchmark Tests - Custom ROMs [updated]

Here I will share you results of my test in custom ROMs for Xperia X8. Other test with other ROM will be added soon. 

ROM tested:

  1. kuyaDROID.v2.7.136
  2. FroyoBread 021
  3. Arc X8
  4. xGin 5.3

ROM: kuyaDROID.v2.7.136
Operating System: Android 2.3.4


^^ Before overclock ^^


 ^^ After overclock (806mHz) ^^

My own opinion of this ROM(kuyaDROID):

  • This ROM is really fast TBH. I'm not saying this based on this test, but I did use this as my daily ROM atm. but it still have bugs, especially camera, and 2D libs (you notice this in menu scrolling). 
  • Game test: Tested some of games, and I played them without any lag (Reckless Racing, NFS Shift, No Gravity, Baseball Superstars [a little])
  • Battery Life: not result yet. be patient :D
ROM: FroyoBread 021
Operating System: Android 2.2.9

^^ No overclock ^^

My own opinion of this ROM(FroyoBread):

  • This ROM is fast. I love its GB features, such as CRT animation, theme chooser etc. Best Froyo so far IMHO.
  • Game test: Tested some of games, and I played them without any lag (Reckless Racing, NFS Shift, No Gravity, Baseball Superstars)
  • Battery Life: Maximum I got is around 2 days with minimal usage. facebook for few minutes, phone calls for 10 mins.
ROM: Arc X8
Operating System: Android 2.2.1


^^ default overclock in ROM (710mHz) ^^

My own opinion of this ROM(Arto Seven):
  • Fastest + light ROM (Based on MiniCM, no wonder IMHO). Good for gaming. But its "Arc" look isn't great.
  • Game test: Tested some of games, and I played them without any lag (Reckless Racing, NFS Shift, No Gravity, Baseball Superstars + Sandstorm, Assassin Creed, Gangstar)
  • Battery Life: Overclock drains the battery. Never test its battery life.

ROM: xGin 5.3
Operating System: Android 2.3


^^ No overclock ^^
Sorry for the "bad" screenshot. ShootMe seems doesn't like xGin, it wont start. So I use drocap2. :D

My own opinion of this ROM(xGin):
  • Fast and one of the great Gingerbread for X8.
  • Game test: Tested some of games, and I played them without any lag (Reckless Racing, NFS Shift, No Gravity, Baseball Superstars + Sandstorm, Assassin Creed, Gangstar and other Gameloft HD.)
  • Battery Life: Didn't test its battery life.


  1. Wow ... thank you very much !
    This can help me to choose the right rom to use.

  2. if you overclock it, it kills your battery faster right?

  3. what is best one? (
    i want to play games
    *no struck
    *no restart
    *no heat
    *fast and smooth

    please help please healp

  4. do you have link for kuyaDROID.v2.7.136 ?

  5. does all custom ROM can do overclock ?

  6. To begin with, I own an Xperia X8.
    What I would like to point out is that in order to OVERCLOCK your phone you HAVE to install a CUSTOM KERNEL.
    A ROM is NOT a custom kernel and therefore you can not overclock it.
    To install a custom kernel you HAVE to have an unlocked booter-bootloader.
    I've just run a quadrant benchmark and I got 2446 on a custom kernel with the latest FroyoPro version (still android 2.2.9), while you only reach up to 1100.
    So, what I'm trying to say is that even if your phone says it's running overclocked, it really DOESN'T, and that's why almost all your tests are pretty much around 1000-1100.
    An unrooted stock kernel X8 running android 2.1 gets around 430-490 so you only get a device running 2 times faster, while I have it running 5 times faster and STABLE.
    If you still use it, I suggest you move to xda-developers and go install a custom kernel and the ROM you want. (Android 4 is now avaliable!)


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