Saturday, August 6, 2011

[ROM] kuyaDROID | v3.1.149 | CM 7.1.0-pre [Android 2.3.5] [updated 06-08-11]



This is my daily rom.. i COOKED it to solved my problem on several CM7 bug. then i just want to share it.
my rom is based on Racht Hackdroid v.86thanx to racht

simple story... i create kuyaDROID-87 with camera fix to hackdroid then i mix it with nobodyAtall miniCM in version.1 to solved FM radio and LED notification.
Now, i'm porting CM7 Legend Nighly Build in version.2 and above (i hope).

You can see changelog for what is working or not.
and you can see CM7 Legend Nighly changelog HERE.

+ Latest CM7 nightly feature (not everything)
+ LED notification
+ Power option reboot to xrecovery
+ FM Radio and VGA Camera/Video
+ Auto Brightness and new Performance setting (thanks nobodyAtall)
+ Dual recovery with multiboot option
+ SD and Ext App2sd
+ Transparent Statusbar
+ mddi, overclock, undervolt, gesture (thanks to doixanh)
+ multitouch and smartass governor (thanks to AnDyX)

+ latest baseband version xxx15
+ xrecovery
+ CWM recovery (since and above)

+ it is important to backup your latest Rom
+ be carefull to select the recovery for the
+ in recovery select "install custom zip", or you can rename it first to "" then select "install from SD Card"
+ if you came from CM7, the update zip would not remove your data partition, its only removed cache and dalvik-cache.
+ if you upgrading from eclair or froyo, do "Factory reset (full wipe)"
+ Reboot. first boot will take a while and wait for a moment before using it.

:: Now with 3MP Camera. thanks to doixanh :: 

download.. and please do not mirror.
[v.3] ::

[06-08-11] :: v3.1.149 :: download :: for xRecovery 

and i seperate modul for Synaptics Gesture and Cypress MultiTouch. if you know which is your, then choose the then install it via xrecovery.
if you don't know which, read their thread first.

  • Synaptics, thanx to doixanh : v007
  • Cypress, thanx to AnDyXv003


[old build]


:: Changelog ::
[22-07-2011] v2.7.136
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-136
.new option in lockscreen.
+ fixed wifi problem (thanks to tester)
+ add transparent statusbar. (thanks to dbts25 for the info)
+ add Smartass Module (big thanks to AnDyX)
+ add Google+ in system/app

[13-07-2011] v2.6.127
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-127
.new screenshot feature in power menu
.new render effect
.new haptic feedback, but seriously i never use this 
+ Dual Recovery, add CWM-Multiboot-r4 recovery, thanks to nobodyAtall. See his thread for detail.
+ enable bootsound, thanks to kakho55, see his thread for detail.
+ fixed ext partition app2sd
+ fixed battery stats for app
+ fixed auto rotate

[02-07-2011] v2.5.116
bug : auto-rotate : to fix it rename to in system/lib/hw
+ updated to CM7 Legend Nightly-116
+ added new features on CM setting
.opt overclock and undervolt (no need to add module anymore)
.opt sdcard cache size
.opt ultra brightnes
.more VM heap size value
+ enable mic mute on call
+ enable camera button for play/pause stock musik.apk (on the lockscreen)
+ better effect changing on DSPManager.

[26-06-2011] v2.4.108
+ fixed LED Notification
+ Better Sound Effect on DSPManager
+ fixed HD Games problem. thanx to junixquiaoit

[24-06-2011] v2.3.108
+ add app2sd ext feature. (edit : confirmed bug)
+ Power option reboot to xrecovery
+ updated to CM 7.1.0-pre (Legend Nightly-108)
several update from CM:
.added 0,90,180,270 degree rotation for orientation.
.added a custom option for menu long press.
.better DSPManager : new equalizer, new loudness mode.
.opt. Incoming call in background
.Opt. to Hide Hold button during a call
.added more translation and clean up bugs.
.see changelog for detail.
- LED Notification is OFF by default now.

[18-06-2011] v2.0.100
+ based on CM7 nightly for Legend.
+ same as version 1.1.96 but with SMS LED Notification disable.
+ FC on facebook/browser/email app.. : fixed with hotfix-01.

[18-06-2011] v1.1.96
+ fixed FM Radio audio routing.
+ GPS is fine now.

[12-06-2011] v1.0.96
+ Video recording High (VGA)
+ FM Radio (with bug in routing audio. just replug your headset to route to speaker)
+ LED Notification.
+ sd read cache (back to 2048)
+ stock browser fix.
- last minute report on tester rom, GPS is not working.. .
>>>update.: it will work if you remove file from /system/lib/hw.

[04-06-12] kuyaDROID-87 :
+ Camera VGA (camera button fix with set focus mode to OFF )
+ video recording low res.
+ battery drain fix. thanx owain94
+ added some tweak to the original Hackdroid.
+ 245 MHz min freq (if you want 122 MHz, just edit on system/etc )

from original Hackdroid.v86 :
+ dx module : mddi and gesture.
+ no over clock or undervolt module. if you want oc or uv module, just put the module to : system/lib/modules.
"everything else".

big thanx to : racht, nobodyAtall, doixanh, owain94, brixzen, AnDyX and all XDA's members.

btw, use it at your own risk 

and last.. sorry if my explaination too much or not enough..
not so good in this english thing 

All content is quoted from its original thread at

tags: hvga, 320x480, xperia x8, android, optimus one, p500, xperia x8 games, xperia x8 games apk, xperia x8 apps, xperia x8 apk kuyaDROID, CM 7.1.0,

1 comment:

  1. nt wrkng, showng bsebnd error, even i hv d ltst bsebnd


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